Have You Thanked Your Psychiatrist Today?


Last night, many of us had the privilege of witnessing the oddity that is Ron Artest, in what will most likely be the most glorious night of his life. Not for nothing, I was rooting for dude since the day he put on the purple & gold armor. I’m still kind of disappointed that he didn’t bug out this season, not even once. Ironic how his last real aggressive exchange, including shoves & pushes, was against the man he hugged the longest last night on the court. Longer even than he hugged that White lady.

To thank your hood first, & your psychiatrist last truly shows a level of class that most people will never experience, really though. Mental health is as real as a heart attack, & possibly just as dangerous. Don’t sleep on the head shrinks, mayne. Their jobs may be just as important as a police officers, if you smell my cologne. With more of the one, we may not need as many of the other. Anyway, congrats to Ron Ron, & the rest of the squad. Did anybody else notice his facial expression didn’t change, until they won? That nigga looks even CRAZIER when he’s happy.

Back to back. After next season, y’all can go ahead & do what you want. Ha.

Ron Artest Championship Speech
Part 1
Part 2

9 comments on “Have You Thanked Your Psychiatrist Today?

  1. Mark Dub says:

    If ever there was a Laker that I was happy for as they won a championship, it’s Ron Artest. I thought that it was utter brilliance to acquire him as he’s the much needed muscle that the Lakers needed, and last night, when everyone else played shitilly, he played like he wanted to win a championship. He may not have been Finals MVP, but he certainly was the MVP of that Game 7. Kudos Ron Ron.


    • Tony Grands says:

      My inner-Chick Hearns is telling me that Ron will mistake all this attention & adulation as a “wanting” for his rap career ressurection.

      Prepare for Tru Warier Records, Winter 2010


  2. Jamal7Mile says:

    Hats off to Ron, he truly was the Most Valuable Player of game 7. I think it had a lot to do with Kobe being Mostly Very Pissed in game 5. Not sure what Kobe said in that locker room but he gained a bunch of leadership points as a direct result of it. For once, I ain’t mad at him.

    Hey Tony, are you going to the parade this year? I heard LA’s dropping 2M on the event. Gotta be some Polaroid moments in there somewhere.


  3. Tony Grands says:


    My wife is on DMV furloughs because the L.A./CA budget is fucked the fuck up. Plus, the mayor is being investigated for inappropriate gifts & shit. If these motherfuckers drop 2 million dollars on a parade, I’m robbing something.

    Go Lakers…


  4. LC says:

    His interview was the only part of that night that i enjoyed


  5. Kiana says:

    Grands! You know I don’t like the Lakers but I was very happy for Ron! If the city drops $2 mill on that f*ckin parade I will jack something with you.



    YO! ron artest has a song, Champion, & the song is hot! no lie.


  7. DV8 says:

    “Back to back. After next season, y’all can go ahead & do what you want. Ha”

    No Phil = No Ring Next Year.

    I think Phil is done. Byron Scott should be the next coach.


  8. […] hope he learned his lesson. & hopefully y’all cats learned a little something, too…I told y’all Ron Artest was about to be all over the place. Dude was the ‘Twilight’ premiere, […]


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