There’s A Little John Mayer In All Of Us


“…because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass.”-John Mayer via Playboy Magazine Interview, Mar ’10

John Mayer is not a racist. An idiot? Most definitely, but a racist, not so much. He’s just comfy talking about Blacks, hanging out with Black people & doesn’t know how to hold his liquor. Not that I condone being called a “nigger” by uppity, folk song douche bags. I’d much rather they continue to do it like they have for the last 50 or so years; behind my back. But still, no harm, no foul. This is America, right? Even though he may have said some off-color shit, not only did I understand what he meant, but let the first person who hasn’t said something similar, or worse, cast the first stone…

Thought so.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he said the things he said for publicity’s sake. After all, Mike Tyson (allegedly) helped himself to some involuntary sex, more than once, back in the day & we forgave him. Hell, next year we won’t even remember that Eldrick “Tiger” Woods personally put a new spin on the phrase “hole in one.” Except “one” meant more like seventeen or so, but that’s neither here nor there. Nobody said shit about Elin domesticating his face & his truck. Just saying. A few words that may or may not reflect a tinge of racism is a minor pill to swallow, especially when we do so on a daily basis. Unless you don’t watch TV. Or listen to the radio. Or leave your goddamned house. Who’s not a little racist?

“What is being ‘black’? It’s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s.”-John Mayer

Nah John, you have no idea what it’s like being a Black dude. Eddie Murphy did an experiment, back in the days, where he got White-faced & hit the streets. Perhaps you should try something similar, then get back to us. Guaranteed results, if you smell my cologne.

My best guess is that this was a drunk, delusional asshole’s attempt at a joke during Black History Month. Although, he’s always appeared way stupider than necessary. He would’ve done better just giving a shout out to Dwayne Carter. & let us remember, regardless of social status or monetary value, people are generally stupid. Stupid is as stupid does.

Far be it from me to downplay his choice of words, but in the same vein, I know that booze will put you in places that you don’t really want to be. Really though. For what it’s worth, I accept your apology, John. The rest of Black America, I can’t speak for. Most of us aren’t so easy going as myself. I’d stay away from Black women & rappers for awhile though, if I were you. Take a cue from Kanye West, & leave the hard liquor alone when your promoting yourself. Don’t you people like Guinness & Blue Ribbon anyway?

First NBC, now this. Where the hell is Al Sharpton when we need him?

12 comments on “There’s A Little John Mayer In All Of Us

  1. Capital G says:

    Once again I read the whole interview, this time a #2 pencil may not be necessary, a fuckin smack to the mouth maybe warranted though. Dude’s comment seems to be taken out of context, same as him saying he don’t sleep with black chicks. To each his own as far as who you stick your cash and prizes in, but dropping the dreaded n-bomb in Playboy is a no-no. I took it as him saying the whole idea of a “hood pass” for white people is a bullshit notion. Personally, people are people. You could suck ass no matter what amount of melanin is in your skin. You were spot on with the PBR reference at the end, white people love the fuck out of cheap beer. Where was I going with this? Uhh… If you’re famous and white, be a little more cognizant of what the fuck you’re saying in an interview. If all else fails just think of the world of shit Don Imus found himself in. People love to get their collective panties in a bunch over shit other people say. Avoid the headache and don’t answer bait questions, unless you feel like apologizing for something you actually mean anyway.


  2. blerdwords says:

    I couldn’t have said that better myself.


  3. Mark Dub says:

    Cosign @ Cap G. I don’t think he’s even close to being racist; it’s just that he could’ved said all that he did w/o the N-bomb. Dude might’ve caught an eye-jammy if he was in the wrong company, and been like Doughboy in Boyz in the Hood “What’d you hit me for?”


  4. Curtis75Black says:

    I really hate to think that in 2010, our peoples are still oversensitive. Shit, it’s not 1980 where we couldn’t fight back and give our opinions just as fast. The Internet is open and credible intelligent bloggers are opening the floodgates with nice views presented in a diverse way. From what I’ve read on this incident, most Sistas don’t care one bit or even took offense to what he said. Mayer Just answered the questions asked, no harm no foul. Who he fucks or who his David Duke cock gets hard for is irelevant. CNN had a video on the what he said and didn’t even mention it. Just what he said about Jessica and Jennifer.


  5. You know you done fukked up with that picture right Grands??? Wow. (II)

    Anyway a John Mayer ain’t never been relevant in my world to care what he says. But real type, he actually made Jay-Z and them look foolish for jocking and co-signing this dude…I have been saying we have no idea what Taylor said to make Kanye do what he did…

    p.s. Guinness is rasta food…and Irish water…


  6. mousie says:

    I get it, but consider this. When an entertainer is giving an interview, they are performing a job duty. When I’m on the job, I’m not foolish enough to say whatever is on my mind. There’s a way to conduct yourself when conducting business and using the dreaded “N” word while on the clock is just plain stupid. Intention is not as important as perception.


    • Tony Grands says:


      Point taken, but consider this.

      “When an entertainer is giving an interview, they are performing a job duty. When Iā€™m on the job, Iā€™m not foolish enough to say whatever is on my mind. Thereā€™s a way to conduct yourself when conducting business and using the dreaded ā€œNā€ word while on the clock is just plain stupid.”

      I’m pretty sure you’re not an entertainer. Therefore, whatever your line of work must surely call for some form of business etiquette & professional attitude, lest you lose your job. As opposed to being an entertainer, where the only actual requirement is the ability to “entertain”. This is by far the most entertaining news of the day. So, he’s done his job, per se. Entertainment is easily the most flexible of all career choices, aside from maybe prostitution &/or drug-dealing. Real world rules only apply loosely, & can change at a dime’s drop.

      Notice the backlash isn’t quite as awesome as it was for Michael Richards. That’s because there’s a galaxy of difference between misplaced opinion(s) & full-on spazzing.

      No one was even talking about John before today, so not only did he put himself back in front of the camera (or microscope…), but Playboy is catching the overflow, in a good way. This will absolutely sell issues. Whether we agree with him or not, believe that this douche nozzle is most definitely doing his job.

      Those who are truly offended will forget about this in a few weeks anyway, when the next pretentious tool shows his ass to the world.


      • mousie says:

        I appreciate the response and I’ll say this. No, I’m not in the entertainment industry because that opens you up to all types of scrutiny, which is what he chose to do. I’ve known people who knew John before he was famous, and the concensus was that he was always this arrogant and obnoxious. They did not find him funny at all, just annoying (and they were white, if that matters).

        I didn’t find this whole episode entertaining at all, just insulting and that is not being overly sensitive. It’s an insult to not only me but those who came before me, created me and looked just like me. I see where you’re going with his attempt to keep himself relevant, the whole “no such thing as bad press” angle, but at what cost? My question is, why is this acceptable? Why should he feel comfortable enough to say something so offensive? It’s not that he didn’t know that it was not acceptable, he didn’t care. He knew exactly what you just said. He knew that this would burn hot for a short period of time and then fade away. There’s no reprocussions. Well, I choose to hold John accountable, regardless of what the intent was in what he said. This is 2010, the message should be clear that Black people do not accept White people using that word. Period.

        He should really stop trying to be witty. Keep doing your thing Grands, I enjoy your POV.


  7. NotoriousAGC says:

    Man, fuck John mayer, his music is CRAP but all the BIG artists that like em do so, because they have white rich friends who forced them to listen to it to let them in the country club.


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